The Race Management Committee exists to oversee the three FCRC-owned races: the Horsetooth Half Marathon, FireKracker 5k, and Resolution Run. These races are managed by Gnar Runners and Green Events, both locally owned and operated race management companies. The committee ensures that there is an active contract in place with the Race Director of each race and makes sure the […]
Tag: committee
Track Committee Report
No new updates on the public track build itself. The City, CSU, etc have much higher priorities due to COVID-19, etc. We did notice new signs this week at the dirt track reminding the public that it’s CSU property. We have heard that Fort Collins High School is almost done with their track upgrade. The […]
Policy Task Force
In these time of COVID-19, running/group events have changed. The Policy Task Force (committee) has put together guidelines that FCRC will follow at club events. Run organizers are also welcome to use this as a resource when planning activities.Click here to read the Group Running and Event Guidelines. Interested in joining a committee? We always love having club […]
Equity, Inclusion and Outreach Committee Meeting Notes
Notes from the last two committee meetings: 7/14/2020: We have a name! We decided to call it the Equity, Inclusion and Outreach Committee. Now that we have a name we would like to announce the committee on social media. Joe had some ideas about what we would say in this. Please share and we can get his […]