About RT


In 2021, FCRC introduced a Racing Team (RT). The goal of the team is to encourage competitive performance, recognize talented runners within the club (who may be competing at a high level while juggling a full time job/families/life), and in doing so, increase the visibility of the running club at races.



Open and elite applications are accepted on a rolling basis. To apply, please email us with your qualifying race times (including links to results), as well as a brief explanation as to why you would like to join the race team.

To join the open or elite race team, you must meet the following minimum standards:
1. Have a current membership with the Fort Collins Running Club
2. Have a 70% (open) or 80% (elite) age graded result from the past 12 months

*To check age grade on results, please use this calculator

If you have not quite hit the age-graded time, still feel free to reach out to us for additional information!

We also offer a developmental tier for those not at 70%. The developmental team has no minimum standard and is intended to support runners who may not hit the minimum requirements for the open or elite tier, but still have a desire to improve and/or compete as a member of the racing team. Applications for the developmental tier are currently open on an annual basis (subject to change depending on level of interest).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Join & become a member today!