Club News

Member Story – Harlan Grossman

A Q&A with FCRC Member Harlan Grossman 1) Tell us a little about yourself and how you ended up in Fort Collins.I grew up on Long Island, NY and started running as a freshman in high school. I went to college in upstate NY, close to New England, and I started exploring different mountain ranges: […]

Club News

Member Story – Adrian Macdonald

An interview with Adrian Macdonald, FCRC member,  FCRC Board of Directors member-at-large, and two-time winner of the Leadville 100. Tell us about yourself, and when and why you started running. I grew up in Westwood, Massachusetts and I started running in the winter of my sophomore year of high school. I was mainly focused on […]

Club News

Member Story – Silas Thompson

A Q&A interview with Silas Thompson, FCRC member and 3rd place male finisher at Never Summer 100k 2022. 1. What motivated you to run Never Summer?State Forrest State Park is one of my all time favorite places to be 2. Highlights of your Never Summer Race?Coming up over the top of seven utes and watching […]

Club News

Member Story – Chris Copenhaver

A Q&A interview with Chris Copenhaver, FCRC member and 2nd place finisher at Never Summer 2022.  1. What motivated you to run Never Summer?      I love a big challenge and I needed redemption from my 1st Never Summer attempt in 2018 which was one of my most difficult races ever.  It was my first 100k, the […]


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