Member Story – Silas Thompson

A Q&A interview with Silas Thompson, FCRC member and 3rd place male finisher at Never Summer 100k 2022.

1. What motivated you to run Never Summer?
State Forrest State Park is one of my all time favorite places to be

2. Highlights of your Never Summer Race?
Coming up over the top of seven utes and watching as the sun rose over Nokhu was absolutely amazing.

3. Did you expect to finish near the top?
I was hopeful I could sit in the Top 10.

4. Low points of the race?
The big clear cut section before Clear Lake aid station came at a time when I wasn’t feeling awesome and not having a pretty scene made it feel worse.

5. How did your body feel after that whole thing? Completely shot, or well trained?
Probably my favorite part about this race was as a whole I felt awesome including that I could walk normal the next day.

6. Words of wisdom for others training for this race?
Make sure to do lots of hiking.

7. Do you have a next race on the calendar? If so, what?
The inaugural Red feather Jamboree!

8. How long have you been running and/or ultra-running?
I first started running about 5 years ago. My first ultra was Deadhorse 50k in 2019.

9. Advice for those wanting to give trail or ultra-running a try?
Run slower than you think you should at the beginning of the race. I have run multiple ultras in which the winners started the race walking.

10. What got you into running and what do you love most about it?
Heartbreak got me into running and nature kept me doing it. The best part about running is all of the beautiful spots I find myself in


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