FCRC running club member Alene Nitzky passed on this information on a friend’s annual event in Greeley he holds each year. It’s to an ultra-distance benefit run for a local child there. See the information below if you are interested!
***Who: Distance Runners of all ages/ Come One/ Come All! Whether you’re going the distance or Just spinning a few laps!
***What: 23 -Counter Clockwise -Loops/ 50K (Plus) 31.51 M/Distance/ 1.37 Mile Modified road loop course (please note attachment/course will be marked) around BitterSweet Park, located at 35th ave. and 16th street in Greeley, CO. No T/No Fee/ Minimal Aid (Located at the Start/ Finish Line) Upper Parking Lot.
***Volunteers: Will be available to keep lap totals (I’ve used my ‘Lap’ function on my watch in past events/ self-scoring)/ Please identify yourself before event (as running 50K distance) AND as you pass start / finish, each lap.
***When: Saturday April 5, 2014/ 6 AM Start
***Where: BitterSweet Park/ 35th Avenue and 16th Street/ Greeley, CO.
***Why: Kick up our Heels and ‘Go the Distance’ one more time on a beautiful Spring morning while remembering a young boy in our community in need.. We’ll locate a donation station at the start/finish area for the benefit of our friend Wesley Martin (please note Web Site).
***Contact/ Co-RD’s Dale and Gay Nagel @ 970-347-7570 / e-mail pawsnclaws@q.com