Puma is looking for high mileage runners to test their shoes! If you are a men’s size 9 or a women’s size 7, check out the letter we received from them below for more information.
Category: Miscellaneous
Upcoming events put on by Fort Collins running stores
Both Altitude Running and Runners Roost have a number of upcoming running-related events! Altitude Running Every Monday starting May 5, 6:00 P.M.: Altitude Running’s first group run will be May 5th at 6:00 P.M. at Altitude Running (150 E Harmony Road Unit 2C). Each week the run will vary but will typically be between 4-6 […]
Horsetooth Half Marathon Photos are Available!
Courtesy of Wow Photography, 2014 Horsetooth Half Marathon photos are now available! See them here! http://www2.backprint.com/wowphotography/123917 Also, if you have not seen the official results yet, they are here: http://runlimitedfc.com/?page_id=2492 Good job everyone who raced in tough conditions!
Meyers: Why are you running Horsetooth Half Marathon?
Today there was an article in the Coloradoan by Stephen Meyers about the various reasons people run the Horsetooth Half Marathon. You can read it here. There’s still time to sign up for the race which is this Sunday! Still just $45 for FCRC members if you sign up in-store at Altitude Running or Runners […]
Volunteers needed for the Horsetooth Half Marathon
Dale’s Ultra-distance Benefit Run
FCRC running club member Alene Nitzky passed on this information on a friend’s annual event in Greeley he holds each year. It’s to an ultra-distance benefit run for a local child there. See the information below if you are interested! ***Who: Distance Runners of all ages/ Come One/ Come All! Whether you’re going the distance […]
Coloradoan: 13 reasons to run a half marathon in 2014
Stephen Meyers of the Coloradoan wrote an excellent article on the many good reasons to run a half marathon this year. What better half marathon to sign up for than the Horsetooth Half Marathon, one of the oldest half marathons in the country? Not only is it an astoundingly beautiful course, but it ends at […]
Clothing Request for Harvest Farms
Here’s another note from Connie, this time regarding running clothes for Harvest Farm residents. Happy Friday FCRC Members! This request is aimed at our male members, or female members who know guys who might want to help. We are again going to do some partnering with Harvest Farm residents to help them stay on the […]
Triathlon Training Workshops
Have you ever wanted to try the sport of triathlon for the cross-training benefits, but are daunted by the thought of open-water swimming? If so, consider this new weekly Swim & Run triathlon training series that Fort Collins Running Club member and race director extraordinaire Lisa Sinclair of Green Events is putting on this summer. […]
Mizunu at the Roost
On Wednesday March 14th, Mizuno will be at the Runners Roost Fort Collins! Select runners will get a chance to wear test some Mizuno shoes, and a free pair of Mizuno shoes will be raffled off! Activities start at 5:30 P.M., with a group run at 6pm (all levels welcome, running anywhere from 4-6 miles). […]
Leap Day Challenge!
Longtime Fort Collins Running Club member Alene Nitzky would like to extend a personal challenge regarding the extra day (Leap Day) we have this year. Basically, it amounts to using the extra 24 hours for the following: Volunteering your time Donating your extra day of pay Using it for fitness Sounds like a good idea […]