Club News

Gifted Feet 2021

Donation Through the FCRC Equity, Inclusion, and Outreach (EIO) Fund, the Fort Collins Running Club invests in organizations that promote the well-being of an inclusive community. Through doing what we love (running!) we can raise funds to support these organizations. SPLASH serves LGBTQIA+ youth ages 5-24, their families, schools, and community connections by providing support, […]

Club News

FCRC Fundraising Event

Through the FCRC Equity, Inclusion, and Outreach Fund, the Fort Collins Running Club invests in organizations that promote the well-being of an inclusive community. Through doing what we love (running!) we can raise funds to support these organizations. The Cultural Enrichment Center of Fort Collins (CEC) is designed to address the cultural, academic, career, and […]

Club News

Equity, Inclusion and Outreach Committee Meeting Notes

Notes from the last two committee meetings:      7/14/2020: We have a name! We decided to call it the Equity, Inclusion and Outreach Committee. Now that we have a name we would like to announce the committee on social media. Joe had some ideas about what we would say in this. Please share and we can get his […]


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