Kathryn at Runners Roost

A Chat with FCRC Partner Runners Roost

We spoke to Kathryn from Runners Roost Fort Collins– a FCRC Partner – about the store, her life in running, and the running industry. Did you know that FCRC members received a discount at the store? Not a club member? Join today!

First, a bit about Runners Roost, when did the store open? 


Then, the store moved a couple years ago, what prompted that move?  

We moved in October of 2018 to find a more central location in Fort Collins and get better parking.

What got you (personally) into running?

I began running in 2009 as a way to lose weight. I was always a fat child and I wanted to feel healthy and pretty. My parents were marathon runners at the time so it made sense to me to turn to running in order to achieve my weight-loss goals. Intially, I lost 60 pounds and I was hooked for life. Now, running to me isn’t so much about weight loss but about having a part of my day be specifically for me. My dog, a Wheaten Terrier named Butters, loves to go with me so she keeps me motivated.

Do you have a favorite race distance?

I have done 5ks, 10ks, half marathons, and a few marathons. Of all the distances, the half marathon is the perfect distance. The training isn’t as rigorous as it is for a full marathon, but afterwards I still feel like I burned some calories and earned another medal to add to my collection.

What made you decide to start a running business/be part of a running business?

Working at a running store, particularly a locally-owned one, allows me to be involved in something I am passionate about. I get to talk about running and running gear all day long, share running stores with coworkers and customers, and they even pay me for it. It’s really a win-win for me.

What did you do before being in the running industry?

Before finding my place as the assistant manager at Runners Roost Fort Collins, I wore a few different hats. I was a realtor, a rock climbing instructor for children, a New Accounts Representative at a local bank, and an assistant race director at the local running events company, Green Events Colorado.

Do you feel like runners in NoCo have a preference for certain running gear over other areas (in CO or the US)?

Being in the Front Range allows for more trail running which means runners here are more likely to invest in trail shoes than runners without such easy access to the Rocky Mountains.

Are there times of year that tend to be busier at your store?

Running is a very weather dependant sport. In the warmer months we’re noticably busier than in the winter. In fact some winter days we will only have two or three customers come through the door. Usually once track season starts, it’s go time.

How do you feel running gear has changed in the past couple years?

I feel there is more of an emphasis on nutrition these days, particularly getting the right amount of carbohydrates and caffeine for your specific needs. I remember when I first took up running there was pretty much only Gu or Gatorade. Now, you could use a different nutrition brand for each day of the year and still not get through them all.

Are there new trends we should be on the lookout for?

Carbon plated shoes are very in right now as are high cushioned shoes. But running trends are very cyclical. So, I won’t be surprised if pretty soon the new trend is more minamalisitc shoes.

How often do you recommend changing running shoes/how can you tell when to get new ones?

A good rule of thumb is to change your shoes every 400-ish miles. For most runners, this averages out to every 6 months. If you are starting to get aches and pains that you previously didn’t experience, it’s time to come say hi to one of our sales associates.


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