Meet the Board

Board meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month, and are open to all club members.  Nominations for Board Members (up to 13) are made late each summer,

Click here for information on how to contact us.

Chris McCullough - President

I am a life long runner and Colorado native (from Franktown, CO) who loves playing outdoors, gardening with my wife and being a part of this awesome running community.

I moved to Fort Collins in 1995, ran at CSU (my alma mater) and have worked as a business analyst at HP, Agilent Technologies and for the last decade, at UCHealth (formally Poudre Valley Health System).

I co-direct the Tuesday Night Track Series, the Mountain Ave Mile and the Bacon Strip races in memory of our dear friend and running inspiration, Jane Welzel.

I am honored to be a part of the FCRC and look forward to helping foster this unique and supportive running community.

Kate Schulte - Vice-President

I have been running since I was a teenager and I now enjoy running and racing with all three of my kids, two dogs, and one husband. I also compete in triathlons and duathlons, but love that you can almost always go for a run! I occasionally race with an Athletes in Tandem participant and love being able to share the joy of running with those who cannot run alone. When I am not playing outside, I work as a health coach empowering others to move towards a healthier lifestyle. If you see a woman running in south Fort Collins with a golden retriever and a brindled boxer mix, it is probably me, so say hi!

Bob Malone - Secretary

My wife Lori and I moved to Colorado 30 years ago from Columbia, Missouri, and have resided in the “Choice City” since 2000. I consider myself a “born again” runner. Although I ran track in high school, most of my adult life was spent peddling a two wheeler around the countryside. However, by my late forties cycling had become too big of time and money sink, and I started looking for a simpler way to get exercise. Running seemed an obvious choice; its beauty, its simplicity, and yes, its convenience were all elements that lured me back into the sport.  I had to fight my way through some pretty nasty aches and pains at the outset, but I stuck with it and seven years later am running with more enthusiasm than ever.  Whether it’s competing in a local half marathon or cheering runners on as a course marshal, I absolutely love being around all things running, and as a member of the BOD I hope to help carry FCRC’s mission to promote the benefits of running in this amazing community forward. 

After 25 years working in the semiconductor industry, I’m now “sort of” retired. Aside from running, I enjoy baking bread, long hikes in the mountains with family and friends, and exploring Larimer county’s back roads on my gravel bike.

Shannon Smith - Treasurer

I am very enthusiastic about fitness. I have always stayed active, but in college, I got into running trail and road for varied distances. This love for running turned into longer competitive runs after I moved to Colorado 16 years ago with my husband and son. I have coupled my love for running into cross training in swimming and biking to compete in multiple triathlons in recent years. I also love to participate in obstacle races, Go Ruck challenges, and I coach Crossfit at a local gym.

Ashlynd Bright - member-at-large

I was born and raised in West Virginia, then lived in Tampa, Florida for twelve years after college before moving briefly to Wyoming. After that I landed in Fort Collins. I am happy to say this is the place where things feel right! I am an administrative professional at Colorado State University where I work as front office coordinator for their Construction Management program. 

My interest began around age 14 when I used running as a way to get out of the house in the rural area where I grew up. I was an intermittent runner (but mostly a walker and hiker) before becoming dedicated to the sport in my mid-20s. When I finally joined a local club and connected with fellow enthusiasts to learn more and push myself harder, I was hooked. I am proud to share that running, and the vibrant community it brings together, is a lifestyle I enthusiastically pursue through all my highs and lows. 

Running has helped me take risks outside my comfort zone to cultivate confidence and discover my potential. But the absolute best part is the people! I have been inspired by folks from a rainbow of backgrounds to chase after the things that really matter: being true to myself, appreciating what I have, and finding ways to help others go after their own goals. 

When I am not running I can be found taking long walks with my dog, snuggling with my cats, bicycling, reading, or practicing yoga. I love opportunities for travel as well as writing postcards and letters to family and friends.

Lynn Bellmore - member-at-large

I started running again after my youngest was born in 2018. Around that time we also had a dog who was just old enough to start running, so Madison and I started hitting the roads on a regular basis and haven’t looked back yet. From T&H races, to segment showdowns and group runs with new friends, I have been so grateful for the community I’ve experienced with FCRC. This year has been the year of trying new things, which has included almost the entire spectrum of running – from just trying to hold on at the Mountain Ave Mile to digger deeper than ever before at Quad Rock 25, along with every distance in between and even my first triathlon (despite panic attacks in my wetsuit at first). This year also included a BQ and a qualifying time for the Racing Team’s open division. 

I truly love running and feel it makes my life more full that I could have imagined. I hope to bring that love to others of all ages, sizes and abilities. By being on the board I hope to help bring the perspective of a working mom who also loves running and community. I am a Family Medicine physician and Registered Dietitian, with training in Lifestyle Medicine and Integrative Medicine. I think my preventive health focus could also bring new ideas of ways FCRC can serve the community. I also hope to work on opportunities to inspire youth to get involved with running. I have 3 kids ages 4, 6 and 8, and I have loved introducing them to running and the joy that it can bring in their lives. 

Ben Gadomski - member-at-large

I started running in high school. As a member of my high school track team, I was a very average runner. I certainly was not breaking any records or competing for the top position on my team. I tended to be towards the middle of the group, and that motivated me to continue competing, grinding, and improving. Through my twenties I competed in triathlon, almost all forms of cycling, and some running. I came back to full-time running in my thirties when life made it more difficult to find time for my fitness hobbies, and I haven’t turned back. Around 2018, I raced several of our local Green Events 5ks. I remember making the goal that I wanted to be competitive for an age group win at those races. So, I kept training and slowly improved. During the pandemic, like many people, I devoted more time to running. Once thinking that running a marathon was insane, I decided that I would do one myself and try to get to Boston. Since I set that goal in 2020, I have now raced in three consecutive Boston Marathons and finished in the top 1% of runners in 2024. I am extremely proud of my accomplishments, and grateful for the wonderful community we have in Fort Collins that encourages these giant goals and promotes healthy lifestyles. I am entering the phase of my life where I feel I have experience to share and a responsibility to help promote the environment that has fostered me. 

Daniel Held - member-at-large

Daniel Held

I began my running journey in 2011 with the goal of losing weight and improving my health as I was starting a family. Over the years, running has become a deep passion of mine. I have proudly completed the NYC Marathon twice and the Philadelphia Marathon once. My running resume also includes numerous half marathons, a half Ironman, and most recently, a 12-hour Last Man Standing event with Run Windsor. This event has inspired me to further pursue ultra running, and I currently have my sights set on completing a 100 miler in 2025.

Me and my family have been living in Fort Collins since 2021 and enjoy many outdoor activities. I am a proud father of two boys and married to my best friend. As a family, we are all runners, with both my boys being on the TMHS Middle School Cross Country Team.

I have a passion for promoting health and running. I’m always looking for new runners that I can encourage to join the community. For me, running is a life saver!

Brooke Jostad - member-at-large


I’m a Colorado native, and running is one of my newer hobbies. I joined FCRC in 2022 after I discovered that running is way more satisfying and interesting than not running. So far, my favorite races have been the Horsetooth Half, the Narrowleaf 10 Miler, and the Colorado Half. I am a mental health/addiction therapist and have a background in fundraising and grant writing for nonprofits. When I’m not running or working, I’m playing instruments, eating dark chocolate and pizza, losing my keys, or spending time outside with my dog or people I care about. I’m happiest when I’m out moving in the fresh air where I can let go of the chaos and focus on what matters.

I look forward to helping the FCRC by being on the board. I think being active is so important to mental health and so many people either haven’t gotten a chance to experience that, or don’t feel like they’re athletic enough to belong in fitness groups. I felt that way when I joined, not because of anything anyone said to me, but because of a silly internalized judgment for being new at sports. I want to help people move through that so they can just enjoy running instead. My goal is to help celebrate and maximize diversity in the FCRC community. This community is very special, and I look forward to giving back to it however I can.

Adrian Macdonald - member-at-large

I moved to Fort Collins from Boston in the fall of 2016 and quickly fell in love with all the great places to run and people to run with. I enjoy competing in all types of races but my focus is currently on Ultramarathons on the trails. In 2021 I won the Leadville Trail 100 and I now run professionally for On Running and Ultimate Direction. In my free time I enjoy eating pizza and ice cream, traveling to soccer matches and watching marathons on TV from start to finish. My biggest non-running accomplishment is my 750 mile hike of the Oregon Desert Trail.

Jim Peterson - member-at-large

My wife Janet and I moved to Fort Collins in June of 2020 from the Chicago suburbs and have never looked back. Although we have been here a short time, we quickly fell in love with all the area has to offer, from the abundant outdoor activities to the great people we have met. I first fell in love with Colorado when I spent 4 years teaching skiing in Beaver Creek in my extended college years. We have three sons, ages 21, 25, and 27 years old. 
I have been a recent convert to running, doing my first marathon in 2017, and jumping in with both feet since, mainly on the marathon distance or longer. I love to push myself to see what I am capable of doing. Since moving to Colorado, I have been transitioning from road running to doing more trails.
My wife and I retired when we moved to Colorado, so we would have time to do everything outdoors. In our spare time, we run, hike, climb, bike, ski, camp, etc.

Sonya Rodriguez - member-at-large


With over 40 years of experience in running, marathoning, triathlons, and cycling, I am passionate about promoting the benefits of running within our community. I am also involved in coaching, volunteering in races, fundraising, and past board service. I love the running community.

Over the years, I have mentored runners of all ages and coached women’s bike racing clinics as a volunteer. I was a coach for Gilbert’s Gazelles in Austin, TX, for over 10 years. Additionally, I served on the development board for The Trail Conservancy in Austin and as VP of Fundraising for my daughter’s school, where I honed my leadership and fundraising skills.

These experiences have given me a deep understanding of the needs of a health and fitness community, and I am eager to bring this perspective to the board to help grow our sport.

Tom Schipper - member-at-large

I’ve been running for about 30 years and am over 60 years old. For almost the first half of my running career, running was secondary to other activities such as cycling, racquetball and volleyball. In 1996, I was asked by fellow FCRC club members if I would like to join them for the Seattle Marathon. I knew I had to hang the bike up at least for that year when I said yes.

For years, I had thought about running a full marathon but didn’t want to make the same mistake I did for my first half marathon by not properly training. In the first half marathon, I had never run anything longer than a 10k even in training until the weekend before the race. I ran 11 laps of a 1.3-mile park loop trail in Greeley where I lived at the time.


Mel Sirois - Administrative Coordinator

I started running in 2001 when my aunt had me do a 5k. It’s all gone downhill, in a good way, since then. I ran my first marathon in 2003 and got hooked. I am aiming to complete the 26.2 distance in all states and DC; only one left to go! I moved to CO in 2017 and now have found more ways to appreciate the outdoors. I got even more into hiking and hit many 14ers my first year here, now up to mid-30s on amount summited. Besides that I teach fitness classes, love traveling (have visited all seven continents), enjoy cooking & baking and being involved in the community.


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