The FCRC Fall Marathon Training program kicks of on Sunday, June 9th at 7am at ALIVE by Raintree.
Anyone looking to run a 1/2 marathon is also more than welcome to join this program and adjust any distances as they see necessary/feel comfortable with.
The cost of the program is $25. All participants receive an FCRC singlet/tank top, a private/closed Facebook group for participant interaction, a training schedule, group runs with water and gels, and more.
This program is targeted at any/all fall marathon participant(s) (Long View, New Fall Equinox Marathon, Chicago, Marine Corps, New York, etc).
Please take the time to answer this questionnaire as specifically as possible only if you plan to take part in the program. Click here to complete the questionnaire or follow this link – After finishing the questionnaire you will have the opportunity to register for the FCRC Fall Marathon Training program.
If you already filled out the information form and just want to register, click here or visit –…/…/FortCollins/fortcollinsrunningclub

One thought on “FCRC Fall Marathon Training Program”
Is there a training schedule posted anywhere? Having a hard time determining what the training schedule looks like