Are you ready to explore Fort Collins with various segments?
The Segment Showdown is back for its 4th year! So get ready to push yourself, check out the town and earn some bragging rights, maybe a STRAVA crown, and prizes (to be announced). Again this year there will only be two (2) segments per month. T&H will not be one of the segments. It will run from January-April.
How to Participate:
-Both FCRC and non-FCRC members can participate in the Segment Showdown. To be eligible for prizes, you must be a FCRC member. If you are not a member, please click here to join.
-Register for the Segment Showdown (registration is now closed)
-Join the FCRC Segment Showdown Group
Segment Showdown Details:
Run each month’s segments before the end of the day on the last day of the month! Scroll down to see this the segments.
A few important details:
- You must be a member of the FCRC Segment Showdown Group. If you are taking part and have not yet joined, please do so ASAP.
- To match a segment, your GPS track must go through the segment start point, follow the segment path in the correct direction, and pass through the segment end point. It is recommended that you run through the start and end of the segment so there is no resting time in your segment effort. For more detailed info about how matching works, click here.
For your segment effort to appear on the public leaderboards and be ranked in the FCRC Segment Showdown, the activity containing this effort must be set to Everyone. You can change this setting on the web or the mobile app:
Web: Go to the Activity > Edit (pencil icon) > Privacy Controls > Select Everyone*
iOS/Android: Go to the Activity > Edit > Privacy Controls > Select Everyone*If a segment starts or ends within your hidden map area, it will not display on public leaderboards. There was a recent change on Strava to map visibility settings for all athletes where the first and last 200 meters of your activity maps will be hidden by default. If you wish to update an individual activity’s map, learn more here.
If you are looking for details about why a specific segment did not match your activity, visit the activity on the Strava website and scroll down to the bottom of the list of segments. Click the link ‘Don’t see the segment you’re looking for?’ to open the Potential Segment Match Analysis tool.
Strava’s support team can help with missing segments, don’t be afraid to reach out.
You must run the routes in the direction they are mentioned. CW is clockwise, CCW is counterclockwise.
We will have divisions of n runners. The divisions will be based on your estimated current 5k time. Hare Division is fastest, Tortoise Division is slowest.
Hare Division, Coyote Division, Prairie Dog Division, Human Division, Tortoise Division.
The fastest in each division for each segment will get n points. The 2nd fastest will get n-1 points, 3rd fastest will get n-2 points, etc. It is more important that you complete each segment than that you run them quickly. History suggests that one can earn a lot of points just by completing each segment.
Runners will not be move up or down in division. Once we determine divisions , runners will remain there for the duration of the Segment Showdown. After each month’s segments, runners can track their progress up and down a combined leaderboard that will show the number of points each runner has earned (regardless of their division).
Bragging rights, possibly a STRAVA crown and prizes! You will receive a ‘raffle ticket’ after running each segment. At the end of the Segment Showdown, we will be raffling off prizes. So far we have generous donations from:
Altitude Running (gift card)
Blue Phoenix Massage (gift cards for 45 minute massage)
Fort Collins Running Club (free memberships)
ON Running (gift cards)
Peculier Ales (two gift cards)
Rabbit Running (gift cards)
Runners Roost (several gift cards)
Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant (gift card)
If you know of anyone who would be able to contribute prize, please let us know.
(can run anytime between 4/1 and 4/30)
Spring Canyon Loop (CW) – 1.5 miles

(can run anytime between 3/1 and 3/31)
Campus Loop (CCW) – 3.2 miles (there are some intersections/ traffic lights on this one)

BONUS SEGMENT – 10 Dam(n) Miles (out and back) – 10 miles (a given)

(can run anytime between 2/1 and 2/29)
Mason Trail to Shields (Out and Back) – 3.7 miles

Colorado 10K (CCW) – 6.2 miles

(can run anytime between 1/1 and 1/31)
North Shields Ponds Full Loop (CW) – 1.5 miles

Cathy Fromme to Spring Canyon (one way, NW-bound) – 3.2 miles