Cold weather is coming, which means it’s FROST POINTS SEASON.
What are Frost Points? Frost Points is the FCRC’s cold weather challenge to motivate you for winter training! For each mile you run when the temp is below freezing, you earn points:
Miles x (32F – Temp While You Ran) = Frost Points
Example: 5 miles, 22F
5 x (32-22) -> 5×10 = 50 Frost Points
Temperatures can vary during a run – you’re welcome to use the coldest temp recorded while you were out there. This is an ongoing challenge, and you can submit entries anytime.
Everything’s on the honor system in terms of submissions. It’s just for fun & motivation. There’s no rule against submitting past runs – but the spirit of the challenge is more to help motivate you to get out there when the temps don’t seem as enticing – rather than to reward for past runs.
- Click here to submit your run
- Click here to check your points
Beyond racking up the points, current club members can earn prizes.
There are three levels on the prizes:
- 1,000 points earns you a pair of gloves
- 2,500 points earns you a quarter-zip long sleeve tech shirt
- 5,000 points earns you a royal blue full zip hoodie/jacket

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